This blog is all about pros &cons related to environment and measure for green change.And all related earth topics.

Hazardous Waste

A hazardous waste in today’s world are little known to world and its drawbacks. This waste can be defined as the waste that poses substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment.
Presence of various chemicals in these waste makes them toxic, poisonous, corrosive, flammable, explosive and infectious in nature and also these waste are not subject to natural biodegradation process.
The levels of toxic wastes continue to grow. Industries and world are continue to be largely unaware of this major environmental problem.As a result, many people and industries are not bother and failing to prevent the creation of hazardous waste or to limit the negative effects it produces.
I we do not stand today for the cause it may prove very difficult to reduce hazardous waste in the future. Unlike many other environmental problems, waste creation is something people do not often think about.
Now, we have to prevent to plastics disposal to waste, toxic water based waste to water bodies, proper dumpsites for heavy chemical and producing alternate to prevent this.

1 comment:

Himanshu said...

Nice writeup.

Awareness is necessary. I like the concept of ads (Idea ad by Abhishek Bachchan) to save trees. Lots of such environmental friendly awareness needs to be spread around the World. Here is a useful article to save the environment.

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Noida, U.P., India
Hello everyone, I am Gaurav Rana, an engineering student and a part time blogger from India. I write articles on environment and green nature which is constantly in target of pollution, global warming and other hazardous factors.

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